But this is a good thing, because according to American Council on Exercise (ACE), after just 6 weeks of doing the same workout our bodies become accustomed to our routine, knowing what to expect and causing muscle-building and weight-loss to hit a plateau, creating frustration and confusion when the hard work ceases to bring results.
Darby created the Fusion classes with this truth as a base, and every one of them is constantly evolving to make sure we stay far away from the dreaded plateau. With the effort it takes to make it into the studio and get our sweat glands dripping, we want to get out what we put in. That's why our instructors are so amazing, always thinking of new ideas, creating new exercises, and continuing to shock our bodies.

In their signature style of switching it up, Fusion has given us two new reasons to shock our bodies: Fusion 50 and Fusion Raw at the new Mission Farms location. As set as many of us our in our schedules, a lot of us (me included) were like, that's nice, but we'll stick to what we know because it's fun and it's working. But just for the heck of it, why not pop into one of the new classes and see what the instructors are up to? I (silly me) thought, maybe they've created these classes for the "newbies" at Mission Farms, so I'll stick to the "more challenging" classes for us regulars. But alas, Fusion keeps kicking my ass no matter what I do, and I was sweating, huffing, and puffing with all the new gals I was trying to impress.

Our website recommends this class for beginners, although cautions "it is not to be underestimated by our vets..." and it's true. The night before my first Raw class I had some drinks, stayed up late, and figured I could float through it the next day, and at least still get a little workout. Unfortunately (or fortunately) my smug attitude was put in it's place that morning.
Raw is just as intense as a Fusion class, but with the opportunity to slow it down and really work on form and flowing movement. Sometimes in other classes we rush to keep up with the beat so much we lose sight of what our muscles are really supposed to be doing. In Raw you're allowed to slow it down and really get deep into the lunges or focus on keeping your buns tucked when plie-ing at the bar. Amy H and Pam are already big on technique, and in Raw they go even bigger to encourage more concentration on how we're moving and walk around correcting form even more. Another benefit to Raw, at least in the morning class that I've taken, is there were only about 10 of us in the studio so we were each getting a ton of individualized attention.
Raw is offered Wednesday mornings at 8:30 with Amy H, and Thursday evenings at 5:30 with Pam, both at Mission Farms.

The idea of this class is HTL--Heat, Lengthen, and Tone. It's set up similarly to Bikini Boot Camp, with the first half of the class draining every last bit of cardio reserve and in the second half, working on toning and strengthening. The bonus to Fusion 50 is in the name itself--just 50 minutes instead of the normal 60 minute class; since it's offered at noon you have time to get beautified and back to work afterwards.
Please do not be fooled, as I was, thinking the absence of 10 minutes would somehow make this class easier than the other "shoe" classes. I'm on to Brooke, Becca, and Erica, giggling as they made a pact to work us even harder to make up for those lost minutes. For those of you set in your morning or evening workout routines, this class offers a different time slot to make your body work and trip up your brain being used to noon as lunch time. It also helps zap that annoying 3pm dead zone many of us experience, because getting all reved up a couple hours before keeps the calories burning and the energy buzzing to make your afternoon a breeze.
I take this class on Wednesdays with Becca, otherwise known as the tiniest little box of firecrackers when the music starts and she gets into cardio-mode. Just when it's all I can do to not lay in the middle of the studio panting "I think I'm dying," she pulls out the star jumps and I'm back in high school standing next to the head cheerleader as she catapults into the most beautiful star jump ever, like 20 times in a row. But she looks so damn perfect that I have to try and keep up with her, so I manage to humpf a couple inches in the air and pump out about five of those babies, patting myself on the back profusely when I'm done. I love how inspiring she is though, because we all know we'd never push ourselves this hard on the treadmill!
During the second half of Fusion 50 they mix it up with Barre, Mix, and Fusion moves to lengthen and strengthen, focusing on whatever muscle group they've decided to burn out, and ending with a nice long stretch. It's fun because you never know what you're going to get. So next time you have a free lunch hour, give it a try and you'll walk out of there feeling sexy, amped up, and ready to roll.
Fusion 50 is offered Mondays at noon with Brooke, Wednesdays at noon with Becca, and Fridays at noon with Erica, all at Mission Farms.
Thank you for sharing this information. Fusion fitness sounds like a really cool idea. I think I'm going to give it a try. I am currently taking fitness classes in NYC and love the structure.