By Shannon Hood
Exercises designed and developed by Darby Brender- owner of Fusion Fitness.
You quit the cold-cuts cold turkey, banished the Brie, and said sayonara to the sushi. You endured the morning sickness (who're we kidding, it's all day sickness). You had mood swings that made Sybil look sane, cankles that made your husband cry, and heartburn that made a stake through the heart look like an appealing alternative.
After nine long months of leasing out your womb to a new family member, most women are anxious to take a stab at regaining their pre-baby physique. You figure it can't be hard. Tabloid magazines regularly feature celebrities mere days after giving birth, frolicking in the surf and looking slammin in their miniscule bikinis. Of course, they have armies of nannies, personal chefs and private trainers. We mere mortals have to take a more realistic approach to our post-baby body glorification.
The grim reality is that there's a virtual landmine of obstacles to navigate that can make a visit to the gym a hopeless endeavor for a new mom. Simply getting out of the house with a new infant becomes a task of epic proportions, what with all the packing and planning involved in a simple 30 minute foray into public. On top of that, many gyms have a strict policy that there are to be no infants under the age of 6 months allowed in the nursery. Ironically, this will be the only time in your life that you will have dreams about going to the gym; it becomes as fantastical a notion as marrying a prince, or riding a unicorn. What's a harried mom to do?
Fortunately Darby Brender has your back. She has two children under the age of three, runs fitness studio and knows a thing or two about getting back into shape after childbirth. Here she offers up some innovative moves to help you get your exercise on—no equipment needed!
The idea is to perform these exercises each time you change your baby. This allows you to get multiple reps in throughout the day. You will be able to interact with your wee one while simultaneously doing something for yourself. (Note: It's advisable only to try this with an infant who can't yet roll over on her own.)
1. Potty Time Plié
Place one hand on the changing table, with feet in second position. Plié in this position 20 times. Now face the changing table with feet in first position and plié 20 times in this position. Toning target: thighs and glutes.
2. Kiss and Curtsy
With both hands on table, face you baby and perform 20 curtsies on each leg. Sure, kiss her too. Toning target: inner thighs.
3. Giggles and Glutes
Truth be known, grimaces are more likely than giggles while you perform this effective move, but your husband will thank you. With one hand on the table, perform side leg raises 20 times, and then repeat on opposite leg. Toning target: glutes.
4. Praise and Raise
Get some one-on-one face time with your bambini while you sculpt your thighs in this multi-tasking exercise. Sit on the floor with one leg bent and the other straight. Hold baby over your bent leg. Raise straight leg 20 times. Repeat on opposite leg. Toning target: hip flexors, abdominals.
5. Peek-a-boo Push Ups
Push-ups provide more bang for your buck than just about any other exercise out there, and eliciting a smile from your infant at the same time is priceless. Place the baby head toward you on the floor. Place hands on both sides of the baby's shoulders and do 15 push-ups. Toning target: shoulders, back and chest.
6. Rocking Abs
This exercise may not feature you in your most flattering position, but it will help whittle your waistline. Hold baby in the cradle position. While standing, pull your naval towards your spine. Shift hips from side to side, repeating 20 times. Now press your hips forward and back while keeping tailbone tucked. Repeat another 20 times. Toning target: abs, love handles.
So there you have it. Six simple exercises you can do in the privacy of your home, with your baby. No money, no equipment, no excuses. Best of all, no need to be surrounded by lithe 21 year-olds, all sporting spandex and exercise bras in aerobics class. Not just yet.
About the authors:
Shannon Hood is an avid exerciser, mother of two and is editor of frothygirlz.com, an entertainment website.
Darby Brender is owner of Fusion Fitness in Overland Park. Her passion for fitness started at a very young age as a dancer and competitive gymnast. After finishing competitive gymnastics she instructed dance and gymnastics for many years. Brender earned her degree in Business Administration from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and later received her ACE (American Council on Exercise) certification in group-fitness.
Read more: http://www.kansascity.com/static/images/sales/eblasts/the_letter_m/20100914/fitness.html#ixzz10NhXsXIS
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