Alicia in Women's Health Magazine |
There’s this girl who works out at Fusion--you may have noticed her by her toned physique, her pretty posture and form during class that points to years of previous training, and oh ya, the Olympics tattoo on the back of her neck. This month we are featuring our very own Olympics gymnast--something that can inspire and even intimidate--and show that Fusion passes the test with, you know, Olympians. I sat down with Boston girl (and the most decorated U.S. gymnast in the history of World Championships) Alicia Sacramone, to learn more about her and why she thinks Fusion is the best place to workout in KC.
A few clients have confessed that they move closer to Alicia during class to compete with the “girl with the Olympics tattoo”--some of us just can’t resist the temptation to keep up with her proper form, energy, and let’s face it, the desire to outlast an Olympian. But if you think she looks good in class, check this out:
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From her interview with The Frisky |
How did you get involved with gymnastics?
I started when I was 8 years old, after trying almost every sport and not be successful at any of them! When I found gymnastics it was like love at first sight.
Are there other gymnasts in your family?
I was actually the first one, but I’ve gotten some of my younger cousins and family friends into the sport.
What was a typical day in training like for you?
Before the ‘08 Olympics I was usually training between 6-7 hours a day six days a week, but when I came back for the 2010-2012 competitive season I needed a change since my body just couldn't handle that much gymnastics anymore. I cut back to 3, max 4, hours a day five days a week and started lifting and doing extra cardio three times a week which was a lot better for me. (Typically gymnasts don't lift but my trainers were amazing and catered to my specific needs.)
I came here mid-summer of 2012 right after I moved into town with my boyfriend Brady. (And oh ya, that’s Brady Quinn of the Kansas City Chiefs.) A friend of mine and fellow die hard Fusionista brought me to class and from that moment I was hooked.
What do you like about Fusion?
I come to Fusion classes because I get my butt kicked every time! All of the instructors are absolutely amazing and make the work out fly by. I could work out on my own but I like to have people challenge me and I get that here--not to mention the great music!
Do you feel like Fusion keeps you in shape by itself or do you add other things into your routine?
When I'm in KC there is no better workout than Fusion. I may occasionally do extra cardio if its a nice day outside or something, but for the most part Fusion is single-handedly keeping me fit.
Do you have any favorite classes/instructors here?
It's impossible for me to pick just one--I love them all! Each class and instructor is different and challenging. That being said Brooke's classes tend to make me think I'm going to pass out or get sick (which is awesome!)
For general health, not major training, how often do you workout?
I try to exercise 4-5 times a week--mostly because I enjoy it and it gets me out of the house and meeting new people.
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On Sports Illustrated's Pop Culture Hot List |
Do you feel any pressure to be “perfect”--a model of fitness, if you will, given your background?
As an athlete I was a perfectionist and that hasn't gone away! I always try to be on top of my game and I get frustrated when I'm bad at something. When I first came to Fusion I would get so sore afterwards and I'd try to pretend I was fine but I could barely sit down!
Why is fitness important to you?
First of all, its important because its been part of my life for so long. Also it just keeps you healthy and happy.
What is your nutrition philosophy?
Being a gymnast I was usually on a strict "eat to survive" diet, so now that I'm retired I allow myself to eat what I want in moderation. In general I try to keep a healthy lifestyle. I don't do the no carbs thing or things like that--just eat nutritious foods. I love chocolate too, so I don't have "off limits" foods but I pay attention and don't go overboard.
Has this always been your attitude?
I think my nutrition has had to evolve to get to a healthy place. With all the focus on my body when I was younger, I would try to go as long as I could without eating--of course now I know that was so hurtful to my body. I started seeing a nutritionist when I was living in Boston and she helped me learn how to keep a balanced life style.
Do you think nutrition is just as important as exercise?
I think nutrition and exercise go hand in hand--if you're exercising you need to fuel your body properly so you can recover and have energy.
Let's talk about confidence--how do you stay positive and confident in our culture so focused on looks and judging people from appearance?
Being a gymnast I was always very weight-conscious; I was in a leotard in front of thousands of people so often that I got used to it, but I was still looking in the mirror before competitions going, "do I look fat in this?" That was hard as a teenager when you're already self-conscious just being that age. In my twenties I've came into my own and have evolved my thinking in a lot of ways, including how I look at myself. Now that I'm retired I work out because I enjoy how it makes me feel and how it makes me look--with clothes on and off ;). God blessed me with a functioning and healthy body so I try to remind myself of that whenever I start to get down on myself.
Um, WOW. Alicia featured in ESPN's The Body Issue |
Tell us about this AHmazing picture from ESPN's The Body Issue.
Doing this was actually a huge step for me to accept, appreciate, and be proud of my body. Being naked was intimidating at first but you know, I am used to being in a leotard in front of everyone so it's really not that much different. Plus, I am proud of my body because I've worked really hard training and being healthy.
Since moving here with Brady, how do you like Kansas City?
I really enjoy living in KC! Everyone is so nice and welcoming! I love going downtown and waking around the different art galleries and catching concerts at different venues.
If you had one day to do whatever you wanted, what would you do?
I would fly all of my family, Brady's family, and our close friends to the same place so we could all hang out, relax and party together.
Obsessed with anything in particular?
I'm obsessed with music! I love to find new/undiscovered stuff and pass it along to others. I'm also slightly obsessed with expensive obsession.
What inspires you?
My parents inspire me, they taught me that hard work pays off and always supported me and my career. They are awesome!
The Fun Five
Favorite Restaurant: North in Leawood
Favorite place to drink a glass of wine: At home on our couch
Inspiring book: Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Beauty advice you were taught: Less is more
“I find my confidence in…” My relationships--surround yourself with people you love, who love you, and your confidence will never falter.
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