This month we’re
focusing our attention on Emily Baldwin. You may recognize her from her red
hair or her bright blue pants she sports once in a while, and if you’ve worked
on your Dream Body, you have seen her in that sweat-tastic video. Pop into a
Standard Style and you may see her there too, as she and her husband Matt opened the boutiques in 2003.This busy mama of three is
a regular here at Fusion, and we sat down with her to get the deets on how she manages
her fitness and nutrition on top of everything else.
You have three kids, Henley 7, Rogan 5, and Rivington 2. What’s one
thing you enjoy about being their mom?I love every stage. I love to watch how unique they each are and understand how we can parent, teach them, and grow them individually.
What is a typical day like for you?
I either start with a run or Fusion to set myself up for a successful day. Then precious moments with the babies in some capacity. And then on to work which for me includes managing public relations, events, marketing, buying for all women’s products, designing our magazine, planning sales/buying plans, and creative directing. I also still love working with clients on the floor and in their own closets…my time is split doing a variety of projects.
Tell us about the boutique your husband and you own, Standard Style.

Your line, Baldwin Denim, has blown through the roof recently. How did it begin?
After selling denim day after day Matt realized a niche that wasn’t being met, so we launched Baldwin Denim in 2009. We are now in 54 specialty stores as well as Barney’s and Nordstrom for fall. The Baldwin men’s shop was just named the Best Place to Buy Denim Period by GQ Magazine. It’s doing really well!
What do you guys like to do for fun?
I love spending quality time with my kids and friends and typically have people over several times throughout the week to hang out at our pool. Matt and I love style and culture so for us it’s usually discovering new restaurants or events in all the cities we are in. I am in LA every month and NYC often so I love having the balance of raising my kids in the Midwest and having a slower pace of life to return to. I really appreciate the people here…I have amazing friends and amazing clients.
What are some of your favorites here in KC?
A few of the places we love and frequent are Westport Café & Bar, Harry’s Country Club, Reiger Hotel, Gram & Dun, and Le Fou Frog. We’re also excited about the new Port Fonda restaurant opening where we designed the uniforms. I like taking out of town guests to the Nelson, and giving them a tour of our stores. If there is live music we always plan ahead to get there. We usually end up at someone’s house though, where our kids can run around while we get quality adult time.
Being a wife, mom, and business owner, how do you keep fitness as a top priority?
It’s about my only me-time, plus it gives me energy, endurance, and a better attitude. I was a competitive swimmer and dancer growing up, so I have always liked to work out. I have done yoga, pilates, kickboxing, and cardio classes before I found Fusion, but now it’s either Fusion or running for me. When you hit your mid 30’s you really realize you are entering a season where your body has changed after having kids. I desire to always grow in all aspects of life, so my motivation comes from wanting to be better across the board. I like pushing myself to stay educated, fit, and healthy. I want to live life to the fullest so exercise is just a part of that for me.
What was your experience like filming the Dream Body DVD?
It was wonderful and exhausting at the same time. I love always having new experiences so this was definitely one I had never participated in. It’s a hard workout!
How do you stay on top of your nutrition?
Just in the past few years have I really started to pay attention to and prioritize my nutrition. At this point I try to avoid gluten, dairy, and sugar. I had an allergy test that showed my specific allergies and it was interesting seeing the impact on our lives of the things we eat regularly. I try to eat a variety of protein and carbs but focus mainly on eating from the source. I eat lots of greens and fish. I juice at least once a day and limit caffeine intake. I drink lots of water throughout the day. I’m not opposed to the occasional cheat though...I’m not that hard on myself.
What do you think is the most important aspect to eating healthy?
Getting in the routine. Once you start eating clean the unclean stuff just doesn’t taste as good. Your palette changes after 21 days so once you get over that hump you can taste a difference. I have splurge days here and there, but I at least try and squeeze in a heftier workout that day. When you have a hectic lifestyle sometimes the greatest reward is to lie around and eat, so I give in once in a while. With three kids, I find planning ahead is key, and I also talk to my friends who eat healthy for ideas of kid-friendly foods. I try not to buy junk food because if it’s not around, we won’t eat it!
The Fun 5
Favorite Restaurant: Westport Cafe & Bar
Best place to drink a
glass of wine: Le Fou Frog
Beauty advice I'd like to pass on: I love my Clarisonic!
book: The Go Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann
I find my confidence
in: Who I have become as a woman. Also being content with who I am as an
individual and not worrying about others.If you see Emily around Fusion, give her a big smile and introduce yourself. Fusion is more than just a workout, it's a place to socialize and bond with like-minded women. Happy sweating!
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