Take Off the Blinders and Slip On the Shades in LA
As many of you know this past week I, along with two other
Fusion Fitness instructors Amy Hodes and Sadie Durbin, took a quick trip to
LA to check out every studio we could squeeze into our schedule in two days. The
workout marathon of 2012 was inspiring, eye opening and even somewhat
self-indulgent (which we loved).
The thing about Fusion Fitness is that it's like my baby, my middle child, that has the ability to keep me up at night and make me proud just like my two kids Dossi and Will do. And just like with kids, it would be nice to have a third eye to see what's going on from the outside and step away from the blinders of day to day life that tend to slip over my eyes. My everlasting goal is to consistantly present our studio in the best possible way and provide the most incredible, challenging, and fun fitness classes to our clients. Our trip to LA gave us the opportunity to actually be the client and get a 360 degree view of what it feels like to walk into a studio with fresh, excited eyes. So for our whirlwind two days, we took off the blinders and put on our shades in sunny Cali.
To quote Jenny G... I think we are all both excited and scared to see what you came back with!!!